Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Session 4-Reflections on what I have learnt today.

This morning we started by looking at what defines the school learning environment. The points were contributed by the coursemates. We listed a number of items and after that we categorized these items into three categories: Students, Teachers and School.

Next, we looked at the dimensions of one of the instruments used in the assessment of learning environment: School Level Environment Questionaire(SLEQ).

Just before lunch, we broke into groups and did a case study on the positive and negative aspects of the learning environment of an actual school in Singapore. We put up our discussion points onto powerpoint slides and shared with the rest of our coursemates. During the discussion, it was interesting to hear Sushi talked about the situation in her school where she witnessed a change of learning environment from a not so positive one to one that is.

After lunch, we used the SLEQ to collect data on the course. First we answered the "Preferred Form" followed by "Actual Form". After that, as a group we input the data that we have collected into the spreadsheet file that Dr Quek sent us.

I look forward to tomorrow's session where we will learn how to use SPSS to analyse the results of the survey.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Session 3: Reflections on what I have learnt today.

Today's session started with Dr Quek asking ask what we know of the learning environment.

We then went on to learn about the historical beginnings of assessment of learning environment. We found out more about the researchers who worked on research on the learning environment through the ages and that was interesting for me. It makes the articles that I have read more relevant now that I know a little more their authors.

I learnt how to use the search engine called copernic.com which is useful for doing searches on education research and it should be useful in my study of the future modules.

Today's session also discussed two key issues: What to assess in the Learning Environment and How to assess the Learning Environment. We looked at the inter-relationship between Lewinian's formula and Murray's needs-press model. We also looked at Moos' scheme in 3 dimensions in the construction of instruments used in assessment of learning environment: Relationship, Personal development and System maintenance and system change



Thursday, November 29, 2007

Aspects of Effective Learning Environment

I visited SMU recently as part of a course that I attended and saw for myself how the physical environment can affect learning as mentioned in the article "Aspects of Effective Learning Environment".

A typical classroom setting has three rows of seats arranged in a horse-shoe shape on three different levels. This arrangement enables the teacher and the students to have a clear view of everybody in the class. Each student has to put up a name tag which is printed on both sides in front of them, this enables the teacher and the students seated at the back of the student to see the names of each student clearly. Swivel chairs are provided for each student so that they can turn to face anyone in the class. The seating arrangement is fixed for the particular module and a copy of it with the students' photos is given to the lecturer to facilitate him knowing the students better.

The professor who demonstrated how a typical lesson would be taught in the university explained how the physical arrangement facilitated interactions between the lecturer and the students and students amongst each other during lessons.

After this visit, I reflected on how the chairs in the classrooms in my school are arranged in neat rows all facing the teacher in front. This kind of arrangement promoted teacher-centered learning environment. If we are to shift the learning environment to that of learner-centered, we may have to seriously reconsider the very basics of physical arrangement in the classroom.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007