Thursday, November 29, 2007

Aspects of Effective Learning Environment

I visited SMU recently as part of a course that I attended and saw for myself how the physical environment can affect learning as mentioned in the article "Aspects of Effective Learning Environment".

A typical classroom setting has three rows of seats arranged in a horse-shoe shape on three different levels. This arrangement enables the teacher and the students to have a clear view of everybody in the class. Each student has to put up a name tag which is printed on both sides in front of them, this enables the teacher and the students seated at the back of the student to see the names of each student clearly. Swivel chairs are provided for each student so that they can turn to face anyone in the class. The seating arrangement is fixed for the particular module and a copy of it with the students' photos is given to the lecturer to facilitate him knowing the students better.

The professor who demonstrated how a typical lesson would be taught in the university explained how the physical arrangement facilitated interactions between the lecturer and the students and students amongst each other during lessons.

After this visit, I reflected on how the chairs in the classrooms in my school are arranged in neat rows all facing the teacher in front. This kind of arrangement promoted teacher-centered learning environment. If we are to shift the learning environment to that of learner-centered, we may have to seriously reconsider the very basics of physical arrangement in the classroom.

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